Sunday, May 26, 2013

8 Cara Stimulasi Kecerdasan Multipel pada Bayi

Or multiple intelligence multiple intelligences are different types of intelligence that can be developed in children. Intelligence include verbal-linguistic (ability to decipher the mind in sentences, presentations, speeches, discussions, writing), logical-mathematical (logical-mathematical ability to use in solving various problems), visual spatial (three-dimensional thinking ability), bodily -kinesthetic (movement skills, dance, sports), musical (sensitivity and ability of expression with sounds, tones, melodies, rhythms), intrapersonal (the ability to understand and control yourself), interpersonal (the ability to understand and adapt to the others), naturalist (the ability to understand and utilize the environment).

Multiple intelligence is influenced by heredity or congenital and genetic and environmental factors. A child can develop a variety of intelligence if you have hereditary factors and stimulated by the environment continuously. Fetal brain cells formed since 3-4 months in the mother's womb, and after birth until the age of 3-4 years the numbers grew rapidly, reaching billions of cells, but no relationship between these cells. Brain nerve cells growing toddlers.

It can be seen from the addition of brain weight or head circumference of infants. When a baby is born, it weighs about 25 percent of the adult brain. A year later at the age of severity has reached 70 percent of adults aged brain. The process of brain development takes place very rapidly until 3 years old toddler.

After this, the process will be slowed down, either during school age and adolescence. Began 6 months of pregnancy, established relationships between cells, thus forming a series of functions. Quality and complexity of the set of relationships between brain cells is determined by environmental stimulation by the infant-toddler that.

Given the very limited time, parents should use it well, namely by providing stimulation as much as possible early on. Stimulation provided at this time, is very effective to optimize the intelligence of a toddler. Conversely, the less stimulation will affect intelligence toddlers.

However, the development of brain circuitry depends heavily on the quality of nutrition and stimulation obtained by toddlers, in the womb, until three years after he was born. The more varied stimulation received infant-toddler, the more complex the relationship between brain cells. The more frequent and regular stimulation received, the stronger the relationship between the brain cells. The more complex and powerful relationships between brain cells, the higher and varying intelligence of children in the future. When developed over time, the child will have a lot of variation in intelligence.

In general, stimulation of intelligence intervention in infants should be arranged so that the baby can experience a sense of comfort, safety and fun with hugging, holding, baby eyes, inviting smile, talk, sounding alternately various sounds or music. bolsters the baby to the right-left, prone-supine, stimulated to grab and hold toys

Stimulation should be done as often as possible for interacting with the baby. Should be done every day, continuous, varied, adjusted for age progression ability, performed by anyone who interacts well with the family, especially baby mother or caregiver. Stimulation should be done in an atmosphere of fun and excitement among caregivers.

Do not give stimulation to the rush-rush, overbearing nanny, no interest or desire attention to the baby, or the baby is sleepy, bored or want to play something else. Caregivers are often angry, bored, annoyed, then it gives caregivers unwittingly negative emotional stimuli. Because in principle all the words, attitudes and actions are a caregiver stimulation recorded, remembered and will be imitated or just cause fear infant-toddler

Here's how multiple intelligences intervention:

1 Intelligence verbal language

Intervention and stimulation by inviting sing or talk, read the story over and over again, excitatory to talk and tell stories, sing children's songs etc.. At the age of 3-6 months coupled with the play 'boo', saw the baby and the sitter's face in the mirror, stimulated to his stomach, back and forth on his back, sat. At the age of 6-9 months were stimulated by calling his name, invited shaking hands, clapping, read fairy tales. Age 9-12 months coupled with the repeated mention of mama-papa, brother, put toys into a container, drinking glass, roll the ball, trained up, walked to the holding.

2. Interpersonal emotional intelligence

Intervention and stimulation of playing with the older kids and younger, sharing cake, toy lending, learning to shake hands with another person (at the age of 9-12 months), introducing new people etc..

3. Intra-personal emotional intelligence

Intervention and stimulation by telling feelings, desires, aspirations, thoughts, imagining, making up stories, etc.. Stimulation by encouraging your child always smiling and laughing. jkauhkan rant, emotional attitude, fight or altercation in front or can be heard and seen the baby.

4 naturalist intelligence

Can be done by telling stories with images, objects, and activities surrounding nature. Encourage baby to laugh and have fun with the event and surrounding peritiwa. Any objects that exist in the environment can be a source of babies to learn about the interaction of the environment and learning to communicate
5. Logical-mathematical intelligence

Intervention and stimulation with singing and storytelling with numbers, terumatama unit numbers 1-10. Such as counting objects around him, singing the one I love you, etc.

6. Visual-spatial intelligence

Intervention and stimulation by watching a picture or photograph especially the shape of the face or a funny cartoon. Tell me the words or long sentences with a large enough image to view or object or environment and natural events. Hang brightly colored and moving objects such as circles or squares of black and white, sound objects,

7. Intelligence gestures

Intervention and stimulation (gross motor) in the 6-8 months it stimulates sitting, standing holding trained. Ages 9 -12 months plus stimulation stuffed toys into a container, drinking glass, roll the ball, trained to stand, walk with holding. If there is delay not back and forth or sit crawl suit 6-8 months of age, showed at least mild delays. Stimulation can be done with balance and vestibular swimming, therapy balls and play swing.

8 musical intelligence

Intervention and stimulation by listening to music, singing, playing musical instruments, rhythm and tone. Get used when communicating or contact with children such as changing diapers, bathing or eating bribe always singing and chanting with the song.

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