Sunday, May 26, 2013

8 Cara Stimulasi Kecerdasan Multipel pada Bayi

Or multiple intelligence multiple intelligences are different types of intelligence that can be developed in children. Intelligence include verbal-linguistic (ability to decipher the mind in sentences, presentations, speeches, discussions, writing), logical-mathematical (logical-mathematical ability to use in solving various problems), visual spatial (three-dimensional thinking ability), bodily -kinesthetic (movement skills, dance, sports), musical (sensitivity and ability of expression with sounds, tones, melodies, rhythms), intrapersonal (the ability to understand and control yourself), interpersonal (the ability to understand and adapt to the others), naturalist (the ability to understand and utilize the environment).

Multiple intelligence is influenced by heredity or congenital and genetic and environmental factors. A child can develop a variety of intelligence if you have hereditary factors and stimulated by the environment continuously. Fetal brain cells formed since 3-4 months in the mother's womb, and after birth until the age of 3-4 years the numbers grew rapidly, reaching billions of cells, but no relationship between these cells. Brain nerve cells growing toddlers.

It can be seen from the addition of brain weight or head circumference of infants. When a baby is born, it weighs about 25 percent of the adult brain. A year later at the age of severity has reached 70 percent of adults aged brain. The process of brain development takes place very rapidly until 3 years old toddler.

After this, the process will be slowed down, either during school age and adolescence. Began 6 months of pregnancy, established relationships between cells, thus forming a series of functions. Quality and complexity of the set of relationships between brain cells is determined by environmental stimulation by the infant-toddler that.

Given the very limited time, parents should use it well, namely by providing stimulation as much as possible early on. Stimulation provided at this time, is very effective to optimize the intelligence of a toddler. Conversely, the less stimulation will affect intelligence toddlers.

However, the development of brain circuitry depends heavily on the quality of nutrition and stimulation obtained by toddlers, in the womb, until three years after he was born. The more varied stimulation received infant-toddler, the more complex the relationship between brain cells. The more frequent and regular stimulation received, the stronger the relationship between the brain cells. The more complex and powerful relationships between brain cells, the higher and varying intelligence of children in the future. When developed over time, the child will have a lot of variation in intelligence.

In general, stimulation of intelligence intervention in infants should be arranged so that the baby can experience a sense of comfort, safety and fun with hugging, holding, baby eyes, inviting smile, talk, sounding alternately various sounds or music. bolsters the baby to the right-left, prone-supine, stimulated to grab and hold toys

Stimulation should be done as often as possible for interacting with the baby. Should be done every day, continuous, varied, adjusted for age progression ability, performed by anyone who interacts well with the family, especially baby mother or caregiver. Stimulation should be done in an atmosphere of fun and excitement among caregivers.

Do not give stimulation to the rush-rush, overbearing nanny, no interest or desire attention to the baby, or the baby is sleepy, bored or want to play something else. Caregivers are often angry, bored, annoyed, then it gives caregivers unwittingly negative emotional stimuli. Because in principle all the words, attitudes and actions are a caregiver stimulation recorded, remembered and will be imitated or just cause fear infant-toddler

Here's how multiple intelligences intervention:

1 Intelligence verbal language

Intervention and stimulation by inviting sing or talk, read the story over and over again, excitatory to talk and tell stories, sing children's songs etc.. At the age of 3-6 months coupled with the play 'boo', saw the baby and the sitter's face in the mirror, stimulated to his stomach, back and forth on his back, sat. At the age of 6-9 months were stimulated by calling his name, invited shaking hands, clapping, read fairy tales. Age 9-12 months coupled with the repeated mention of mama-papa, brother, put toys into a container, drinking glass, roll the ball, trained up, walked to the holding.

2. Interpersonal emotional intelligence

Intervention and stimulation of playing with the older kids and younger, sharing cake, toy lending, learning to shake hands with another person (at the age of 9-12 months), introducing new people etc..

3. Intra-personal emotional intelligence

Intervention and stimulation by telling feelings, desires, aspirations, thoughts, imagining, making up stories, etc.. Stimulation by encouraging your child always smiling and laughing. jkauhkan rant, emotional attitude, fight or altercation in front or can be heard and seen the baby.

4 naturalist intelligence

Can be done by telling stories with images, objects, and activities surrounding nature. Encourage baby to laugh and have fun with the event and surrounding peritiwa. Any objects that exist in the environment can be a source of babies to learn about the interaction of the environment and learning to communicate
5. Logical-mathematical intelligence

Intervention and stimulation with singing and storytelling with numbers, terumatama unit numbers 1-10. Such as counting objects around him, singing the one I love you, etc.

6. Visual-spatial intelligence

Intervention and stimulation by watching a picture or photograph especially the shape of the face or a funny cartoon. Tell me the words or long sentences with a large enough image to view or object or environment and natural events. Hang brightly colored and moving objects such as circles or squares of black and white, sound objects,

7. Intelligence gestures

Intervention and stimulation (gross motor) in the 6-8 months it stimulates sitting, standing holding trained. Ages 9 -12 months plus stimulation stuffed toys into a container, drinking glass, roll the ball, trained to stand, walk with holding. If there is delay not back and forth or sit crawl suit 6-8 months of age, showed at least mild delays. Stimulation can be done with balance and vestibular swimming, therapy balls and play swing.

8 musical intelligence

Intervention and stimulation by listening to music, singing, playing musical instruments, rhythm and tone. Get used when communicating or contact with children such as changing diapers, bathing or eating bribe always singing and chanting with the song.

7 tips Scrape Stomach Fat Concentrate

Disturbed by the fat in the belly? Accumulate abdominal fat is often interfere with performance. In fact, belly fat is also the most dangerous type of fat because it can be a significant indicator of disease.

Fat deposited in the belly is one sign of the body's cortisol levels are high. Cortisol is a stress hormone that can lead to harmful inflammation in the body.

Belly fat can be erased, but the exercises are done sit-ups every morning just is not enough to erode it. You need a change of habits that can make you more slim. 7 Consider the following tips:

1. Interval training.

You may be able to do sit ups all the time, but the abdominal muscles that form can not be seen during abdominal fat is still closed. Then you need to exercise really scrape the fat, which is cardio exercise. Try to jump rope, run in trademill, or gymnastics in between sit ups.

2. Do not miss a meal.

Skip meals is the easiest way to accumulate belly fat. When skip meals, the body will react by producing more cortisol and storing more fat, especially in the abdomen.

3. Miss the food / sugary drinks.

Sugar is a mortal enemies for belly slim. Excess sugar is stored as fat. Then start to reduce sugar consumption.

4. Increase consumption of vitamin C.

Vitamin C is derived from citrus fruits, broccoli, cabbage and peppers can reduce the production of cortisol. In addition, vitamin C is also important for the production of carnitine that is used to convert body fat as energy.

5. Increase consumption of healthy fats.

Do not mistake fat. Consumption of healthy fats such as avocados, nuts, olive oil and it will increase your metabolism so that it can erode the stomach fat.

6. Sleep.

Often when busy, people often sacrifice sleep. Yet sleep is important for weight management and optimal health. Many studies have proven that lack of sleep lead to overweight and increase the risk of some diseases.

7. Relax.

Cortisol is a stress hormone. When you are stressed, then cortisol levels will also increase. High cortisol triggers weight gain, inability to lose weight, lower immunity, and increased levels of inflammation. It is important to take the time to relax each day. Although just 5 minutes, can help you to keep cortisol levels stay balanced.


Having a flat stomach is important, not only for appearance's sake alone, but will also keep us from disease.

Abdominal fat has been shown to increase the risk of serious diseases such as insulin resistance syndrome which would trigger the disease, interfere with heart and blood vessels, as well as some types of cancer.

Exercises that focus on the muscles around the stomach can indeed help gain muscle faster, but it does not mean much if you do not complete it with regular exercise and a balanced diet.

Intentions so that you get a flat stomach more quickly realized, follow the 6 steps below.

1. Choose foods that are rich in fiber and high in nutrients than foods high in fat and high in calories. Foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins will make the stomach full longer as well as meet the needs of the body of vitamins and minerals.

Limit consumption of processed foods or junk food. Eat several times a day, including breakfast. This will keep your metabolism healthy and supply the energy the body needs. Avoid skipping meals as it will make your metabolism slower.

2. Adequate fluid intake, especially if you exercise regularly or live in a humid climate. Avoid empty-calorie drink such as soda, energy drinks, or fruit juice in containers. Water will make the body function optimally because he will bring nutrients to vital organs.

3. Exercising 30-60 minutes at least five times a week. Begin by walking, cycling, swimming, gymnastics or follow the movement of the DVD. If you've got a habit of exercising, increase the intensity of exercise to accelerate weight loss.

4. Train all muscle groups of the body with weight training, using a balance ball, or equipment in the fitness center. Perform these exercises two or three times a week on non-consecutive time that the body has a chance to rest. Increase muscle mass will increase the fat and calorie burning.

5. Perform strengthening exercises abdominal muscles. Do it regularly two to four times a week. This will build and strengthen the abdominal muscles and sagging skin are not visible.

6. Reduce intake of total calories per day around 500-1,000 calories a week to lose about 1 pound a week.

5 Symptoms of Mental Disorders in Children and Adolescents

The children will pass through several stages of development come to influence their behavior. Not infrequently behavioral changes experienced by the child is considered as a phase that will pass by itself. In fact, several behavioral changes that could be a symptom of a mental disorder experienced by children.

Researchers from Harvard Medical School found that half of the cases of mental disorder starts from a very young age, 14 years and tigaperempatnya occurred since the age of 24 years. Because of its appearance very early, then therapy and treatment should be carried out since the beginning anyway.

Center Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that one in five children in the U.S. had a mental disorder. Concentration problems (ADHD), children rebel (oppositional Defiant Disorder / OOD), autism spectrum, mood and anxiety disorders, depression, is a type of mental disorder most commonly found.

Parents play a major role in reducing the severity of the disorder by paying attention to changes in children's behavior. Parents can also use their intuition if you feel "something is wrong" with their child.

Here are 5 of the symptoms to watch the kids and your teen.

1. Mood changes that last long

Mood changes lasting more than two weeks is a strong indicator of the existence of mental disorders in children. The mood changes can range from hyperactivity to too melancholy for no good reason.

According to The National Institute of Mental Health, the behavior of "very happy" or mania and feeling "down" or depressed can be a sign of bipolar disorder symptoms. However, hyperactive behavior in children who are not accompanied by symptoms of lethargy after that is characteristic of the normal child.

2. Excessive anxiety and fear

Fear and worry are common early childhood experience. Normal course they were scared of the dark, imagining figures of monsters, or fear of parting with parents. For school age children, anxious before performing in school or fear of not being accepted her friends, is a healthy response.

However, be careful if the child experienced the fear is excessive that it interferes with their activity. Maybe it's time for you to intervene.

3. Extreme changes in behavior

Start rebellious phase also is to be traversed in the child's stage of emotional development towards independence. But there is a very extreme defiance behavior called OOD. The disorder usually begins when the child is 8 years old or before entering their teens. One example of such behavior is to buy a few games without any interest to play it.

Mental disorders are closely related to behavior change is ADHD, anxiety, depression, or bipolar disorder.

4. Physical changes, weight gain or fall dramatically

An estimated 80 percent of people who experience mental illness are obese or overweight. Sudden physical changes associated with puberty can not be an indicator of impaired children. Similarly, if the child seems no appetite, could be a symptom of depression.

Physical changes caused by the use of alcohol or drugs is also a symptom of depression in children. The experts said the risk of the child suffering from depression is greater if one or both parents also suffer from depression.

5. Lack of concentration

Children are very difficult to concentrate also had a mental disorder should be suspected. But parents also need to distinguish between children who really want to watch TV instead of doing homework, with children who are not able to focus on his favorite show on TV.

Inability to concentrate on simple tasks is a symptom of ADHD or depression. Lack of focus can also be caused because their minds focused on shame, guilt, or death. Poor concentration in children will be obvious effect on the value of academic or social.

"news" 3 Steps to Detect Erectile Problem

Men who experience impotence or erectile dysfunction (ED) is actually no need to hesitate or feel ashamed to memeriksaan complaint. In consultation with the doctor, erection problems 60 to 70 percent curable.

Inspection process to detect DE performed by each physician through relatively simple steps. In obtaining a proper diagnosis, the patient only needs to pass through three stages of examination.
Specialist in diseases of the Department of Medicine Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia Hospital dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo dr. Em Yunir said, checking to detect ED carried out in three steps that fill out questionnaires, physical examination, and investigation. Here is an explanation of the three stages:

1. Questionnaires
Questionnaires are usually given when the patient first came. Questionnaires were given in the form of the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF), which contains a series of questions tertingkat. The questionnaire can identify who suffered erectile problems.
Questions in it, among others, about the ability to perform an erection, erection quality, quantity erection, and the ability to maintain an erection. Answers to these questions are then given points and accumulated.

2. Physical examination
Physical examination is done by looking at the secondary sexual characteristics such as noise, such as hair-hair mustache, beard, armpit, to the pubis. If these characteristics are considered weak possibility of patients experiencing hormonal disorders, namely the lack of testosterone production.
Then do the palpability to the penis, testes, and other sexual organs to determine if there is an abnormality. Urologist at Urology Department Faculty of medicine / RSCM dr. Nur Rasyid said the disorder can be peruni that part which hardens the skin of the penis that cause curvature of the penis.
"Usually the doctor will do the injection to eliminate it, but if it is severe inoperable," said Nur.

3. Investigations
Investigations conducted to determine the patient's general state of health. Patients with risk factors such as diabetes mellitus, high cholesterol, kidney dysfunction, liver dysfunction, hypertension, stroke, heart disease, hormonal disorders, and others are more likely to suffer from ED. Thus, a laboratory investigation to uncover those risks.
ED is defined as the inability to achieve or maintain penile erection within the last 3 months for satisfactory sexual intercourse. DE is a fairly complex problem and can lower the quality of life of a man.